On Tuesday 11 May 2021, the Chairs of the Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (BKSAP) and the Delegation for Relations with the Countries of Southeast Asia and ASEAN (DASE) of the European Parliament held a virtual meeting. Focus of the discussion was the current situation in Myanmar with proposals for concrete steps to be taken, see joint statement attached.
The meeting was introduced by EU Head of Delegation to Indonesia, Ambassador Vincent Piket. Besides DASE Chair Daniel Caspary, Vice-President Heidi Hautala attended the meeting for the European Parliament. From the Indonesian side, participants were Hon. Dr Sihar Sitorus, Hon. Dr. Mardani Ali Sera and Hon. Mr. Achmad Hafisz Tohir (all Vice Chairs of the Committee).
The meeting was introduced by EU Head of Delegation to Indonesia, Ambassador Vincent Piket. Besides DASE Chair Daniel Caspary, Vice-President Heidi Hautala attended the meeting for the European Parliament. From the Indonesian side, participants were Hon. Dr Sihar Sitorus, Hon. Dr. Mardani Ali Sera and Hon. Mr. Achmad Hafisz Tohir (all Vice Chairs of the Committee).
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP